XBOX LIVE Gamercard

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Geek Review: Hackers (1995)

Suprisingly, this movie is good. this is pretty much a Geek Only movie. Dont expect your grandma to like it. though unrealistic, the movie is still good. It has Angelina Joliie in it which is a perk. Ok, time for the rating... 4/5. the unrealism is what makes it interesting at some parts.

DVD                         VHS

Monday, August 9, 2010

Wi-Fi Passwords For All!

Are you "curious" about getting your neighbors Wi-Fi password? Heres how to do it:

While I don't support the use of illegal stuff or god forbid hacking, what you do with this step-by-step instruction on how to get free Wi-Fi is your own business. It is just a coincidence that I am a hacker ;)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gamers Fight Back

Check out this news about a gamer fighting back after robbers try to steal his DS

Click Here

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